On the 29th/30th June we are having a weekend dedicated to the lake just a stones throw from our club hut, Llyn Padarn. Watersports, Swimming, relaxing at the hut and more.
Book your place now by contacting the hut bookings secretary as normal - hutbookings@bowlineclimbingclub.co.uk.
More details on the event page - https://www.bowlineclimbingclub.co.uk/event-details/love-the-lake

Last weekend some of our members travelled to the Wye Valley for some trad climbing.
A good time was had by all. We did plenty of climbing at Shorn Cliff, Wintour’s Leap and Ban-y-Gor, (and our wet weather day included an ice cream parlour, vineyard wine tasting, cream teas, pub lunch and chicken Bhuba).

A big thanks to club member's Graham and Yvonne who have kindly offered to host a summer BBQ and stay-over at their house near Bamford in the Peak District on the weekend of 15/16th June. The plan is to go climbing (or cycling or walking if you prefer) on Saturday and then head to Graham and Yvonne's late afternoon for a BBQ with the option to stay-over for those that want to make a weekend of it. We'll arrange the climbing venue nearer the time, probably Bamford Edge!
We'll be asking club members coming to the BBQ to bring some food contribution which we will co-ordinate nearer the time. If you want to come to the BBQ you need to book a place via the website so we know who will be there and how many are staying over.
Club members please RSVP via the Event on the website so we know how many are coming to the BBQ and how many are staying over - https://www.bowlineclimbingclub.co.uk/event-details/summer-bbq-and-stay-over-2
There is plenty of space indoors for staying over, there is even an extensive bouldering wall if you haven't had enough climbing during the day. You will need to bring your overnight gear including a sleeping bag, pillow and ground mat. Children and partners are welcome to come along but please indicate who is coming when you book your place, and bear in mind that although there is plenty of space it will be communal accommodation.
On the Sunday there will be climbing as well.