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Weekly update 10th May


Well that was a bit of a wet one! Not sure there is much to report in terms of the week's activities - good use was made of the Climbing Station in Loughborough and other members made a quick dash out to Cademan to bag some routes. The rest of us drank a lot of tea!


Hotly anticipated is our new website which should be going live very soon now, with some exciting new features! Watch this space for more information....:-)

THIS WEEK'S MICRO MEET - Thursday at Cademan Woods (after getting rained off last week we are going to give it another go!) Please email Mike the Meetsec on to book onto this meet.

OTHER MEETS (to book a place on any of the meets below, email Mike - 25-27th June - still only 2 spaces left on the North Lee’s camping meet. This meet really caters to everyone with its location (right underneath Stanage) and what’s on offer in the vicinity. At only £7.50 a night what are you waiting for? 30th May - The Chairman’s Walk is less than a month away and it really isn’t one to miss. Thinking slightly ahead there are also the two meets in the Lake District: 13-15th August - the Coniston Coppermines MTB meet is starting to fill up with 13 booked on so far. There are XXXXX spaces, and at XXXX per night for accomodation in a truly amazing hut, with mountain biking, climbing and walking right from the doorstep, it would be a shame to miss out! 27-30th August - Bank Holiday!!! We are booked into the Bowderstone Hut, with some fantastic climbing right on the doorstep. There are 11 spaces left and at £25 per head for the entire weekend this is a bargainous trip! With the exception of the Chairman's Walk, your space will only be confirmed on the above meets when you hand over hard cash, so here are the bank details to help you do that. Please use your name and the meet name as a reference. Bank Details are as follows: Sort Code: 30-95-47 Account number 16098368 29 May - Climbing in the Peak District 06 November - 70th Anniversary Chairman's Walk and Annual Dinner, Hartington 07 December - Bouldering Competition at the Climbing Station

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