Last night's AGM went smoothly although only once we had enough members join for the meeting to be quorate. We passed on thanks on behalf of everyone in the club to our outgoing committee members Ali Tempest and Mike Jones. And we elected some new committee members with Chris Brumby joining as vice-chair, John Morgan joining as an ordinary committee member. Andy Potter has been elected as meets secretary. Other members of the committee were re-elected to their roles meaning the committee for the coming year is:
Chair - Zoe Pickering
Vice-chair - Chris Brumby
Secretary - Haydn Williams
Treasurer - Andy Railton
Membership secretary - Tony Bishopp
Hut secretary - Ian Robinson
Meets secretary - Andy Potter
Ordinary committee members - John Morgan, Randal Jackson, Bob Jones, Pete Bottrill
NB: Bob Jones also holds the role of treasurers assistant.
The AGM also approved the changes to the membership and hut fees which had been proposed by the committee. The changed fees are as follows (all other fees remain as before):
Under 18 membership - £20
Vet single membership - £30
Vet joint membership - £55
Member per night - £6
Members guest per night - £8