Our website was setup to publicise information about the club and to allow only members to access groups for communication and some pages private to club members. Due to the way the club website was initially setup we had people accessing these groups who were not actually club members.
This has now been resolved with access to groups and certain pages being restricted to genuine club members (including prospective members). In the process of doing this we have removed all site member accounts where the account is not linked to an email address recorded in the club member list.
Due to people potentially using different email addresses we may have inadvertently removed some club members access. We're asking all club members to check they can still access the website members area and if not then please signup again and we will grant you access.
NB: From now on access to the members only areas of the website will require approval from the website administrators and we will only grant access to club members (including prospective club members) based on the details held on the club members list administered by the membership secretary.